24 April, 2009

Fairly rescent listings

I have a lot on my mind right, and most of it does not concern my blogs! :) One thing that occupies me is my working life, in wich I'm planning to start my own bussiness. Another thing taking a lot of time has been the guild for european ArtFire artisans. That blog is really becoming something! Check it out: Europe ArtFire guild

And in addition to this (and a ten day vaccation on the westcoast of Sweden) I've been trying to find some time for making beads and listing them on ArtFire. Here are some examples of rescent listings in my shop:

Mother of two goddess with a rose on her hip

Silver flower necklace with sterling silver chain and parts

Coral flower earrings with sterlig silver parts

Dolphin necklace with sterling silver chain and parts

Please visit my shop for further details about my items.


Neoma said...

Den vita gudinnan är helt enkelt oemotståndligt ljuvlig! Jag älskar henne! Vi får väl se om det blir ett litet inköp framöver.


Fru Babsan said...

Du vet var hon finns! :)