29 October, 2007

I caught another cold so I havn't been very active this last week. Som lampworking, though, andtoday I finally got my camera out. Here are some exmaples on what I've been up to:

Blue on blue
Not a serious attmpt to do anything. Just messing around.
But I like the way the colors turned out.

It was a dark, stormy night...
I keep trying on those organics. Most of them are not worth showing, but these I like.

My first godesses.
I go for a "Mother of two-godess"-look as those perky-brested and silicon-godesslike ones don't appeal to me. ;-) The left one in Light Ivory and the right one in Dark Ivory (Effetre)

A little Cristmas collection.
Now the preparation starts...

23 October, 2007

My first delivery!

Here they are!
Nine "Mantra OM" necklaces. As you see, there were different requests of color
Sorry for the lousy pic - I was in a hurry

My first order is signed, sealed and delivered today. I was quite nervous that they wouldn't like them after all, but they did! So much that I already got an order for another one!

19 October, 2007

New beads

Here are some new beads I've been making (I know I should focus on the OM-beads, but I have to do something else too).

For a while I've been trying to find a manly design, but I'm not wuite there yet. But this little guy might do:
Jolly Roger (though he doesn't look so very "jolly" to me)
He's about 13 mm high and made from Effetre light ivory and Vetro intense black.

After all the manlyhood I just flipped over and started making this:
Flower power.
They're about 10x12 mm and made from several COE 104 glasses from Effetre,
Vetro, CiM and Reishenbach

I'm really working on my photo skills, and getting better, though I've still got a lot of practising to do.

16 October, 2007

Foster Fire!

I LOVE my new bed release!

Earlier I've used Blue Sludge, simply 'cause that's what came in the beginners pack. To sum it up - Blue Sludge is not good! You really need to be strong to get the beads of the mandrels (I usually have to ask my husband for help) and as you have to put so much energy to it, half of the mandrels become bent in the process. :(

But now I've found Foster Fire. And sometimes I don't even have to use pliers to get the bead of!

Thart Blue Sludge is going down the drain. I'm a Foster Fire believer!

13 October, 2007

Order placed

I've finally decided to buy myself a kiln. The order is placed and he thought I'd have it within a fourthnight.

I'm so excited!

04 October, 2007


I've made a fish in CiM glass that didn't crack (so far)!
Cirrus with heliotrop frit and som Effetre medium amethyst for the fins.

My first order!

I got my first order on beads this week. Nine people in my yoga class wanted their own mantra OM necklaces:

I'm so happy. Now there's just the cruical question of pricing...

01 October, 2007


I sooooo want one of these:
Trio Lentil press
But with shipping and customs in Sweden it will be expensive.
Why, oh, why doesn't anyone in the EU carry those??